Czech Cross-Country Skier Announces Retirement
In a press release on social media, Petra Novakova announced that she would be retiring from the professional rankings after many years of training, dedication, and great results as a traditional cross-country skier.
Petra took part in several FIS races, four editions of the World Championships, and three Winter Olympic Games.
Petra Novakova’s announcement:
“This long part of my life is now closing in the spring. After long years in the World Cup, after many injuries, repeated returns from zero, training sessions, also after great results, I am leaving. The decision is entirely natural for me, rather than regret or relief.
The first half of my career was better than the second. I debuted at the SP in 2012; my last start was in 2023. Health issues followed me, and I honestly think I could have done so much more without it.
Thanks to training under the leadership of Lukas Krejčí. And I would like to thank not only the sponsors as ‘brands’ but mainly the people behind the brands and everyone around me – family, friends, doctors, physiotherapists, coaches, directors at resorts, ski club, the Czech Ski Association, and the Olympic Team. Feeling safe and supported was very important to my peak performance.
I will not include here everything I would like to, but at least 10 important points:
- The third and my last Winter Olympics – Beijing 2022.
- Pyongyang Winter Olympics 2018, the one I had the most significant ambitions for.
- As a promising “twenty-something” who broke the pole in the quarterfinals of the sprint at Sochi 2014
- One of my biggest treasures at home is the Bronze medal from the U23 World Championships (yes, I should have gone for the Gold, I know).
- The service team, with fast feet and a mentally prepared head, is the alpha and omega.
- It is great to have a partner with you on long trips, even if it is a brother. We’ve been traveling together like this since 2017. Now I can keep my fingers crossed for him from the TV.
- Davos was one of my favorite places because it was flying to the Alpine resort in December from the Scandinavian darkness.
- I know Dachstein like the back of my hand, always been there three times a year for 3 long weeks.
- I also led the U23 ranking in the World Cup for some time. Unfortunately, I injured my shoulder and had to undergo surgery.
- I skied a lot; I want to continue skiing. On narrow skis and wider ones.”

Here you can find Petra Novakova’s results.
Are you interested in traditional cross-country skiing? Read more here.