Madshus Discontinues Digital Ski App “Empower”

by Ingeborg Scheve • 11.12.2021
The Norwegian ski manufacturer announced that they will discontinue the support of their digital Madshus Empower app.

The Madshus empower system was launched in 2014. The goal for the project was to offer innovative new services related to Madshus products, including an app for both Apple and android devices: The Madshus empower app. 

The system used near-field communication technology from an embedded chip in the ski to provide information and advice about the skis in a meaningful way to skiers, retailers, service reps and product engineers.  

“We built a totally new IT infrastructure in the factory where we stored data related to the production of the skis in a database. We offered these in different eco-systems both to end consumers and retail. In particular, we focused on ski properties. That’s why we developed the Madshus Empower app, which was a way to help customers select the correct skis,” the Madshus says. 

While Madshus now abandons the Empower app in its current version, the company will not entirely scrap the project. 

“We still think this (Madshus Empower app) is a good idea, but we need to evaluate and see if the projects we are running still contribute in a positive way to our customers and our company. The Empower system is very dependent on the handling of a lot of data. Analyzing the usage show that the popularity has been decreasing over the last period of time,” Madshus says. 

Madshus will therefore remove the mobile apps from App Store and Google Play with immediate action. Apps already downloaded will still work the coming season, but they will not be supported from Madshus. 

The web solution for the stores will be running through the current season, but the service will be taken down before the summer of 2022. 

While Madshus now discontinues support of the consumer version of the Empower app, the ski manufacturer is not abandoning the technology entirely. 

“Madshus will continue to develop the empower system for internal use, and we are also looking for new ways of supporting sales of the Madshus products,” the company says. 

This is Madshus Empower
The Madshus empower app was embedded to work with all of Madshus’ Smartski models. Since the 2014/15 season, all Redline and race performance skis including Race PRO and Race Speed, Nanosonic and Hypersonic skis come with an embedded RFID-chip that contain all data about the ski’s properties, such as camber height, flex, pressure points and splay, recommended skier weight and corresponding wax pockets for classic models. 

For those who still have the Madshus Empower app, these are some of the main functions: 

Digital waxing assistant: The app provides Individual advices to determine the optimal length of wax zone according to weather, kind of wax and athlete’s biometrical data. This is useful not only for elite racers, but just as important for recreational skiers and growing juniors, who could use the app to learn how to adjust the wax pocket as they grow and gain skills. 

Workout diary: The app stores each activity and automatically links it to weather data. Athletes can also add personal data on skis, wax and performance.

Managing ski quiver: Gives a record on every registered pair of skis (kilometers run, grinds, wax, performance etc.) and helps athletes understand each ski’s character.

Social Media: Connect to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Knowhow: The app is linked up to the Madshus YouTube channel, providing plenty of practical advice with video tutorials for cross-country skiers. 

Important note: The Madshus YouTube channel is still active and in use. The status of the Madshus Empower app does not affect the YouTube channel or other Madshus social media and interactive accounts. 

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