Tyler Kornfield: The First Full-Time Pro Tour Skier From The USA

by ANDRÉ SANTOS • 31.07.2022
Tyler Kornfield is the first American long-distance skier competing exclusively on the Ski Classics circuit. The Olympian athlete hopes to have a good first season and to inspire a new wave of American long-distance skiers. Read our Q&A with Tyler to know more about him and his projects.

Can you tell us how this collaboration with Team Robinson Trentino started?

“I have been interested in Ski Classics since racing Marcialonga in 2017. One of my teammates, David Norris, and I had just finished a frustrating National Championships and were planning the rest of our season. We were trying to do something different, something to find new inspiration when we saw Marcialonga was the next weekend. After a few logistics, we flew from California to Italy and raced. It wasn’t the best performance for either of us; we made many mistakes, but I loved the race and have been dreaming of joining a Ski Classics Pro Team ever since.”

“The partnership with Team Robinson Trentino grew from when my teammates Scott Patterson, Rosie Frankowski, and Rosie Brennan (also my girlfriend) raced for the team in last year’s Birkebeinerrennet. Since then, Rosie has stayed in touch with Bruno, and after deciding to commit to racing Ski Classics this coming year, we contacted him. We both love his passion for Ski Classics, and I am excited to join the team!”

“Rosie and I will be based in Toblach for the season from early November until April. Americans often spend the whole winter in Europe competing in the World Cup, but that typically looks like jumping from hotel to hotel. Rosie and I want to try to make life in Europe more like a home, and we are very excited to be based in Toblach!”

How has been your summer training so far? More importantly, how is your double poling development going?

“Last year, I targeted qualifying for the Olympic team. Unfortunately, I crashed the second weekend of racing and tore a ligament in my thumb. After seeing several doctors who told me I would need surgery, I decided to continue racing through the season with a splint before ultimately deciding to have surgery in March.”

“The surgery went well, but like anyone coming back from a major injury, it has been difficult to find the balance of recovery, wanting to push training, and managing my mental wellbeing. Training has been progressing well, and I have been able to build to 60k+ double pole workouts.”

“I know there is a lot of hard work left until the season starts, and I am excited to see how my body progresses.”

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of long-distance racing when compared to traditional cross-country skiing?

“Double poling is obviously a huge component of traditional skiing. I started making specific double pole workouts as part of my training after the 2015-16 season. Still, it wasn’t until racing Marcialonga that it became especially apparent how much room I had to improve.”

“I am far from an expert, but from what I can tell, the main thing I need to do is double pole a lot more. I think finding the rhythm and the many gear changes will be important. When we were taught double pole, it was a very simple technique. Now I understand you need different double pole techniques for steep hills, flats, downhills, gradual uphills, accelerating, resting, etc.”

“I think the similarity is the mentality I bring in training and racing. Both training and racing can be monotonous, but I have learned I can maintain a high level of focus by continually playing games while I ski. Whether it is accelerating over a small climb, trying to ski more efficiently behind a teammate, imagining where I would make a move in a race, etc. I brought that same mindset into my traditional skiing as I will into double pole training.”

What is the popularity of cross-country skiing, and more specifically Ski Classics, in the US? 

“Cross-country skiing is continually growing as a sport in the US. With the success of American women over the last two decades, we have seen a large increase in the number of motivated and inspired young skiers. We’ve developed quite a robust ski community, and success will continue as we have already seen in the young up-and-coming Americans.”

“Where I am from in Alaska, skiing is important to our community. Our trail network goes throughout the city with multiple race venues, good rollerskiing, strong youth programs, and the majority of the last three Olympic team skiers based here. We also have a glacier facility available run by my club team, APU Nordic Ski Center, though it is being rebuilt after damaged caused by a 2018 earthquake.”

“As for Ski Classics, it isn’t that popular yet. There are super-fans of the sport, but without any Americans to cheer for, it is hard to maintain interest through the season. I believe there is a lot of opportunities to grow interest in Ski Classics in the US. Everyone I have talked to here is incredibly excited for me and ready to follow my season.”

What are your favorite events and Pro Tour skiers?

“My main focuses throughout my career have been sprints and mass start racing. I think they will fit perfectly with Ski Classics.”

“I started paying closer attention to Ski Classics when Petter Eliassen started racing around 2015. His wife went to the same university as I did, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and they have come back to race in Alaska over the years. I have followed his progress and connected a few times to talk about skiing and racing.”

 Finally, having grown up in Alaska, you probably spent your whole life skiing. Can you share with us your best memories related to the sport?

“I did start skiing very young, around the age of 2. At age 5, I started Anchorage Junior Nordic, a ski program that teaches kids throughout the city. At age 9, I joined a local club, Alaska Winter Stars (same club as Gus Schumacher), and started ski racing. I am also very fortunate because our main trail system is a five-minute walk from my childhood home, so I could almost ski from my home.”

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