Events & Results
Team Ramudden And Race Tactics
In this article, Gustaf Korsgren talks about the tactical thinking in Ski Classics, how many scenarios they work with before a race, and the team skiers’ different roles.
During last season, Team Ramudden was able to take advantage that they had several strong skiers far ahead in the field. Here Ida Dahl pacing at Marcialonga in front of Lina Korsgren.
In traditional cross-country skiing, team skiing, with a few exceptions, is happy with its absence. But there have been times when it was "skiing" for teammates. At the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Johan Olsson got a break early in the race, and the Swedish skiers were up in the front 'disrupting' the other teams' chase for the Swede. Olsson was brought back but still won a medal, and the gold was won after an impressive finish by Marcus Hellner.
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