Rollerskiing Across Norway: New Record From Nordkapp To Lindesnes

by INGEBORG SCHEVE • 26.07.2022
Kevin Ramsfjell crossed Norway on rollerskis in 10 days and 10 hours: 2.600 kilometers and over 30.000 meters of elevation from Nordkapp to Lindesnes.

After Monday’s monster stage of 483 kilometers to Lindesnes, the new (for now unofficial) record is an impressive 10 days and 10 hours. It is half the previous record for crossing Norway on rollerskis: 21 days, set in 2021.

“I decided to combine the last two stages and rollerskied day 10 and 11 in one go. It was 483 kilometers,” says Ramsfjell. 

The 22-year-old arrived at Lindesnes on Tuesday morning just after 10 o’clock. By then, he had rollerskied from Nordkapp in 10 days and 10 hours. 

The previous record for crossing Norway on rollerskis was 21 days, set in 2021. That record was a sharp reduction from the previous one of 34 days, which had stood since 2011. 

In April, Ramsfjell decided to attempt a new record on rollerskis. 

When Ramsfjell started from Nordkapp on Saturday, July 16, the plan was to cover the 2.600 kilometers to Lindesnes in 13 days. Then the goal was to rollerski 200 kilometers a day. But from the first stage, Ramsfjell managed to log a few extra kilometers daily.  

Just over halfway into the record attempt, Ramsfjell realized that he would be able to surpass his own already ambitious record attempt. After eight days, the 22-year-old was a full day ahead of schedule. His form and motivation were still increasing, the body undamaged, and the equipment worked beyond all expectations. This even though he did not have excellent weather conditions: with headwinds and rain to a greater or lesser extent on all stages. 

But at Dombås, Ramsfjell decided to update the record attempt from 13 to 11 days

Zero technical problems 

Ramsfjell brought 12-13 pairs of skis for classic and freestyle, wheels with different rolling resistances, and several pairs of poles and was excited about how much he needed to use. 

“I couldn’t be happier with the equipment. I have used the same rollerskis, poles, and ski boots all the way. Everything has gone incredibly well. Surprisingly well. It’s almost like I’ve been waiting for something to happen,” Ramsfjell told after half the distance. 

But nothing happened. No injuries. Not a chafing wound or a blister. No pole breaks or wheel problems.  

Ramsfjell had planned to switch between skating and classical, primarily to get some changes in technique and relieve the muscles. But the record was done almost exclusively skating. 

“I have rollerskied 50 kilometers in classic and all the rest skating. It’s surprising but went the fastest,” Ramsfjell to 

This is the record attempt

To fulfill the goal of reaching the finish line in 13 days, the 22-year-old planned to rollerski daily stages of 200km without rest days. The plan was to rollerski about 10 hours per day, breaks not included. Then he must have an average speed of 20 km/h to keep track. 

Thirteen days and 200 km per day was an ambitious and tight schedule, and therefore Ramsfjell has chosen a route that follows the fastest, straightest roads from north to south. 

“I really only took the distance 2600 kilometers and divided it by 13 to get a round number to relate to. 200km is a round number, and 10 hours a day is a round number,” says Ramsfjell to 

The route is almost identical to the one that ultra-running legend Simen Holvik followed when he set a world record for running the stretch last summer. Holvik spent 26 days. 

FACTS: Rollerskiing Across Norway 2022

  • Who: Kevin Brekken Ramsfjell (22)
  • What: Set a new record for crossing Norway on rollerskis
  • When: July 16-28, 2022
  • Route: Nordkapp to Lindesnes 
  • Distance: 2600 kilometers 
  • Altitude gain: 30,000+ 
  • Duration: 13 days 
  • Current record for the stretch: 21 days, set in 2021 (Ståle Samuelsen, 63 years)
  • How: 13 stages of 200km, daily sessions of 10 hours, average speed 20km/h
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