Many Changes In The SC Ranking After Jizerská50
After an intense weekend, Emil Persson, Lager 157 Ski Team, has 26,299,058 points after his 11th place at Jizerská50, the eighth Pro Tour event of Ski Classics Season XIV.
Get to know how the ranking points system works:
In a Pro Tour event, the winning man and woman receive 2.000.000 points; in a Challengers event, the winners collect 500.000 points. The best 12 event points last 24 months are counted in the total points. The man or woman with the most total points will have the #1 rank.
Podium bonuses are awarded to the top 3 athletes of each gender. A Pro Tour event winner receives 200.000 points, 2nd place 100.000 points, and 3rd place 40.000 points.
In the SC Ranking, Emil Persson leads the ranking with 26,299,058 points, followed by Astrid Øyre Slind, Team Aker Dæhlie, with 25,587,856 points.

Ida Dahl, Team Engcon, is in third position with 25,328,987 points. Andreas Nygaard, Team Ragde Charge, is in fourth place with 25,203,753 points. The new top 5 is Kasper Stadaas, Team Ragde Charge, with 24,687,341 points after winning Jizerská50.
Read More: Magni Smedås and Kasper Stadaas Winners of Jizerská50
Among the Top 10, six Pro Tour skiers are from Sweden, and four are from Norway.
TOP 10
Athlete | Nationality | Pro Team | SC Ranking | Points |
Emil Persson | Sweden | Lager 157 Ski Team | #1 | 26,299,058 |
Astrid Øyre Slind | Norway | Team Aker Dæhlie | #2 | 25,587,856 |
Ida Dahl | Sweden | Team Engcon | #3 | 25,328,987 |
Andreas Nygaard | Norway | Team Ragde Charge | #4 | 25,203,753 |
Kasper Stadaas | Norway | Team Ragde Charge | #5 | 24,687,341 |
Tord Asle Gjerdalen | Norway | Team XPND Fuel | #6 | 24,478,602 |
Max Novak | Sweden | Team Aker Dæhlie | #7 | 24,291,605 |
Johannes Eklöf | Sweden | Team Ramudden | #8 | 24,074,060 |
Britta Johansson Norgren | Sweden | – | #9 | 24,058,203 |
Oskar Kardin | Sweden | Team Ragde Charge | #10 | 23,991,185 |
TOP 20
Notable in the top 20 is that Johan Hoel, Team Ragde Charge, continues to climb. The Norwegian Pro Tour athlete goes from 13th to 11th place. Karstein Johaug, also from Team Ragde Charge, rises from 16th to 15th place. Torleif Syrstad, Lager 157 Ski Team, goes from 19th to 17th place.
Also in the top 20 is Magnus Vesterheim, Team Kaffebryggeriet, going from 20th to 18th position, and Axel Jutterström, Team Eksjöhus, from 22nd to 20th place.
TOP 50
Athletes stepping up inside the top 50: Thomas Ødegaarden, Team XPND Fuel (from 26th to 23rd); Amund Riege, Team Ramudden (from 31st to 25th); Nils Dahlsten, Lager 157 Ski Team (from 32nd to 31st); Magni Smedås, Team Eksjöhus (from 49th to 35th); Stian Berg, Team Kaffebryggeriet (from 40th to 39th); and Lorenzo Busin, Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino (from 51st to 50th).
TOP 100
Some athletes moved up five positions or more if we look at the 50-100 ranking list: Francesco Ferrari, Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino (from 54th to 53rd); Hans Petter Rolke, Team Front Rustad IL (from 58th to 56th); Karolina Hedenström, Lager 157 Ski Team (from 65th to 59th); Petter Stakston, Team Aker Dæhlie (from 67th to 60th); Haakon Holden, Team Næringsbanken Stora Enso (from 66th to 64th); Alfred Buskqvist, Team Ramudden (from 82nd to 65th); Laila Kveli (from 68th to 66th); and Heli Heiskanen, Slavia Pojišťovna Sport Team (from 72nd to 67th).
Moving up also Paul Combey, Team Nordic Expérience (from 69th to 68th); Gabriel Strid, Exsitec Team (from 70th to 69th); Gabriel Thorn (from 71st to 70th); Sandra Schützová, Vltava Fund Ski Team (from 80th to 72nd); Hedda Bångman, Team Nordic Expérience (from 74th to 73rd); Ida Palmberg, Team Ramudden (from 77th to 76th); Frida Erkers, Team Eksjöhus (85th to 80th); Mart Kevin Põlluste, Team Nordic Jobs Worldwide (83rd to 82nd); and Olaf Talmo, Team NTNUI Sweco (form 84th to 83rd).
Mikael Gunnulfsen, Team Aker Dæhlie (from 106th to 86th); Sofia Lindberg, Team Edux (from 92nd to 88th); Julia Angelsiöö, Team Næringsbanken Stora Enso (94th to 93rd); Sigurd Sollien Hulbak, Team Synnfjell (from 95th to 94th); Christian Lorenzi, Team Internorm Alpenplus Trentino (from 97th to 95th); Noora Kivikko, Team Edux (from 102nd to 96th); Henrik Arntzen Joks, Team Næringsbanken Stora Enso (104th to 97th); Alvar Myhlback, Lager 157 Ski Team (from 114th to 99th); and Einar Kalland-Olsen, Exsitec Team (from 117th to 100th),
TOP 200
From the top 100 to the top 200, taking ten steps up or more, we can see Martin Løwstrøm Nyenget, Team Eksjöhus (120th to 109th); Lars Sørensen, Team Front Rustad IL (133rd to 123rd); Vebjørn Moen, Team Aker Dæhlie (143rd to 125th); Linnea Johansson, Lager 157 Ski Team (139th to 127th); and Tyler Kornfield, Team Robinson Trentino (144th to 134th).
Also moving up is Silje Øyre Slind, Team Aker Dæhlie (176th to 143rd); Asmund Heir, Team Straye Flammekaster (158th to 144th); Christoffer Lindvall, Team Mäenpää (167th to 147th); Fredrik Helgestad, Team Kaffebryggeriet (175th to 149th); Niina Virtanen, Team Edux (181st to 167th); Ingrid Hannestad, Team Straye Flammekaster (188th to 173rd); and Stefano Dal Magro, Team Robinson Trentino (187th to 177th).
Significant steps up also for Anton Elvseth, Team Engcon (198th to 179th); Magnus Waaler, Team Front Rustad IL (201st to 183rd); Hanne Skulbru, Team NTNUI Sweco (208th to 191st); Oda Nerdrum, Team Kaffebryggeriet (223rd to 192nd); and Thomas Edvard Just, Team Straye Flammekaster (209th to 193rd).
Many steps up also for Johannes Kuchl, Vltava Fund Ski Team (235th to 205th); Martin Jakš, eD system Silvini Team (246th to 212th); Eirik Sverdrup Augdal, Team Eksjöhus (258th to 220th); Dorthe Seierstad, Team Kaffebryggeriet (303rd to 241st); Hanna Sandholt Hansen, Team NTNUI Sweco (336th to 263rd); Lukáš Papula (302nd to 270th);
Significant SC Ranking improvements also for Guri Sollien Hulbak, Team NTNUI Sweco (397th to 326th); Petra Hynčicová, eD system Silvini Team (457th to 333rd); Sophia Velicer, Vltava Fund Ski Team (465th to 359th); Michal Francke (417th to 362nd); Hugo Hilmersson (425th to 370th); Alar Savastver (438th to 383rd); Uku Leipalu, Team Nordic Jobs Worlwide (472nd to 405th); Niklas Österberg (479th to 409th); Elie Faret (507th to 418th); Benjamin Marguet (523rd to 441st); František Landa (522nd to 446th); Ingeborg Kristensen Hoftun, Team NTNUI Sweco (626th to 456th); Jaroslav Ehl (571st to 463rd); Sven Struck (521st to 466th); Daniel Eriksson (520th to 470th); and Christoffer Grudd (547th to 491st).
Everyone participating in Ski Classics, Pro Tour or Challengers events, recreational and professional skiers can connect their profile to the Ski Classics results database, called MyPages.
MyPages can be connected when registering as a member of the Ski Classics online community In the profile, you can view your Ski Classics event results, collect pins, print diplomas, and analyze your results with friends in the SC Ranking system. You collect points according to your performances and are rewarded with pins and diplomas in your profile.
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Read More: Ski Classics Pro Tour Season XIV