Lapponia Ski Week - Stage 1
60km free
- Start men and women
Saturday 10:30 CET
Event description
Lapponia offers unforgettable skiing in unique scenery, with sunshine and snow galore on superb trails from magical forests to wide open lakes and fells. Organized since 1978, Lapponia Ski Event challenges skiers throughout the skiing week with three starts on three different days.
On April 8, Lapponia Ski Week kicks off with a 60 km distance. The competition continues with 50 km on April 10 and finally 80 km on April 12. All distances have to be skied in free technique summing up to a total of 190km.
Lapponia Ski Week is part of the Ski Classics Challengers and skiers competing on the full race which means on all three stages are collecting points that count to the overall Ski Classics ranking. In addition to the 3-stage main competition, shorter distances as well as classic technique are offered for those who wish an easier end of the winter season.